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单词 hold

hold/həʊld $ hoʊld/


➊ have sth in your hands or arms

➋ have a meeting, election, concert, etc.

➌ have enough space for sb/sth

➍ prevent sth such as a vehicle from leaving

pt. & pp. held/held/

v. [T]

拿;抱;握住:Can you hold the box? 你可以拿一下这个箱子吗?

◇The little boy held his mother's hand. 小男孩握着他妈妈的手。

◇She held her baby in her arms. 她抱着宝宝。

◇[hold sth + a.] Do you want me to hold the door open for you? 要我给你把门开着吗?

举行;召开;举办:hold a meeting 举行会议

◇hold an art show 举办美术展

容纳:The classroom holds 40 students. 这教室可容纳40名学生。

使停住;止住:[hold sth for sb] Would you hold the elevator for me? 请帮我按住电梯好吗?

◇The dam held the flood. 大坝挡住了洪水。

hold on 等一下; [电话用语] 别挂断:Hold on. Let me check. 别挂断,让我查查。

hold 伸出:He held out his hand in greeting. 他伸手致意。


举起;抬起:He held up his hand. 他举起了手。

阻碍;使停顿:A car accident held up traffic for several hours. 一场车祸使交通堵塞了好几个小时。

音组-old/-əʊld $ -oʊld/

cold; fold; gold; hold; old; scold


She held him by his hand.

She held him by the hand. 她握住他的手。

[✌“握/抓住某人的某个部位”用“hold sb by the + 部位”。上面的句子与She held his hand.同义]





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