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单词 go

go1/gəʊ $ goʊ/

v. move or travel from one place to another

ts. ~es

pt. went/went/

pp. gone/gɒn $ gɑːn/

v. [I] 去;走:go into the room 走进房间

◇go by train/bus 乘火车/公共汽车去

◇[go to sth] He is going to America. 他将去美国。

◇When are you going home? 你什么时候回家?

◇go to school/work/church 去上学/上班/做礼拜

◇〈英〉go to hospital (=〈美〉go to the hospital) 上医院

◇go to college 上大学

◇go to the cinema 去看电影

◇[go to do sth] He's gone to buy a cup. 他去买杯子了。

◇go to sleep 去睡觉

◇[go for a ...] go for a walk/swim 去散步/游泳

◇[go doing sth] go shopping/swimming 去买东西/游泳

be going to do sth 将要做:It's going to rain. 天要下雨了。

go ahead

➊ [用作祈使句] 做吧;说吧:“Could I sit here?” “Sure, go ahead.” “我可以坐这儿吗?” “当然可以,坐吧。”

◇Go ahead, I'm listening. 说吧,我在听。

➋ [go ahead (with sth)] 开始做,着手实施:They have decided to go ahead with the plan. 他们决定开始实施这项计划。

go and do sth (=〈美〉go do sth去做:Go and get me my coat. 去把我的上衣拿来。

go away 走开,离开:She angrily told him to go away. 她生气地叫他走开。

go back (to sth) 返回;回去:I had to go back for my umbrella. 我不得不回去拿伞。

◇go back home 回家

go by

(时间)过去,逝去:The afternoon seemed to go by very slowly. 下午似乎过得很慢。

➋ [go by (sb/sth)] (从…)走过;经过:A group of students went by us. 一群学生从我们身边走过。

go down 下沉:The ship went down after hitting an iceberg. 这艘轮船撞上冰山后沉没了。

go into sth

走进:Someone went into the room. 有人走进了房间。

进入(某种状态):The criminal has gone into hiding. 罪犯已经躲起来了。

◇go into hibernation 开始冬眠

go off

(炸弹)爆炸:The bomb went off in the supermarket. 超市里发生了炸弹爆炸。

走开,离开:He went off to the UK. 他去英国了。

go on

(灯)亮起来:The lights went on suddenly. 灯突然亮了。

继续:[go on doing sth] He went on working after everyone else had stopped. 其他人歇工后他继续工作。

◇[go on to (do) sth,指完成某事后接着做另一事] After finishing Lesson One, they went on to (learn) Lesson Two. 学完第一课后,他们继续学第二课。

◇[go on with sth,指中断后继续做] After a short break, he went on with his work. 稍事休息后,他继续工作。

➌ [常be going on] 发生:What's going on? 出了什么事?

go out (灯、火)熄灭:All the lights suddenly went out. 所有的灯突然熄灭了。

go over

➊ [go over sth] 仔细检查:Go over your essays before you hand them in. 把论文仔细检查后再交上来。

走过去:He went over and turned off the TV. 他走过去把电视关了。

go through sth

通过;穿过:go through a forest 穿过森林

经历,遭受:She's going through a painful divorce. 她正经历离婚之痛。

音组-o/-əʊ $ -oʊ/

go; no; so


She often goes to home at weekends.

She often goes home at weekends. 她常在周末回家。


go to swim

go swimming

go for a swim 去游泳

go to walk

go for a walk 去散步

[✌go doing sth结构多表示体育或娱乐活动,例如:go boating 去划船

◇go climbing 去爬山

◇go dancing 去跳舞

◇go cycling 去骑自行车

◇go hunting 去打猎。有些还可以用go for a ...,如上面的go for a swim]


Go on doing the other exercise after you have finished this one.

Go on to do the other exercise after you have finished this one. 做完这个练习后继续做另外一个。


We can't go on to live like this.

We can't go on living like this. 我们再也不能继续这样生活了。


How many times have you gone to London?

How many times have you been to London?

[✌have gone to sth表示“已经去了某地”,即人不在这儿。have been to sth表示“曾去过某地”]

用法be going to do sth意为“将要做某事”,be going是go(去)的进行时态,但常表示将来,意为“将去”,如:We're going by plane. 我们将乘飞机去。

辨析be about to do sth; be going to do sth; be to do sth

辨析continue; go on to (do) sth; go on doing sth; go on with sth


n. an attempt to do sth

n. 〖复~es/-z/〗 [C] 尝试(做某事):[have a go at (doing) sth] I always wanted to have a go at golf. 我一直想尝试一下打高尔夫球。





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