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单词 get



➊ become or start to be

➋ receive sth

➌ go and bring sth/sb back from sth

➍ obtain or buy sth

➎ have or experience sth

➏ arrive at a place

➐ make sb/sth change to a new feeling, situation, or state

pt. & pp. got/gɒt $ gɑːt/

ing. -tt-


➊ [L] 成为,变得:Your tea is getting cold. 你的茶凉了。

◇get angry/hungry/fat 发怒/饥饿/发胖

◇get married 结婚

◇[get + v.-ed] He nearly got killed. 他险遭不测。

➋ [T] 收到:[get sth from sb] I got a letter from my parents. 我收到了我爸妈写给我的信。

◇get a present for one's birthday 收到生日礼物

➌ [T] 去取,去拿;去叫Go and get a rubber. 去拿块橡皮擦来。

◇[get sb sth = get sth for sb] Could you get me a pen? = Could you get a pen for me? 请您给我拿支笔好吗?

➍ [T] 得到;买到:She got a “B” in English. 她的英语得了B。

◇Where did you get the dress? 你这条连衣裙是哪儿买的?

◇[get sb sth = get sth for sb] He got his son a bike. = He got a bike for his son. 他给儿子买了一辆自行车。

◇[get sth1 for sth2] I got $ 100 for the bicycle. 那自行车我卖了100美元。

➎ [T] 有;经历:I finally got a good night's sleep last night. 我昨晚终于好好睡了一觉。

◇The west is getting a lot of snow. 西部在下大雪。

➏ [I] 到达:[get to sth] They got to New York at 3 o'clock. 他们3点钟到达纽约。

◇get there/here 到达那儿/这儿

➐ [T] 使变得,把…弄得:[get sb/sth + v.-ed/a.] Have you got everything ready? 你把一切都准备好了吗?

◇It's important to get children interested in science. 让孩子们对科学感兴趣非常重要。

◇[get sb to do(或doingsth] How can I get you to understand this isn't a good idea? 我怎样才能让你明白这不是个好主意呢?

◇She got the computer working again. 她让电脑又运行起来了。

get along (或on(with sb) (与…)相处融洽,和睦相处:He gets on well with his classmates. 他与班上同学相处融洽。

◇A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting along. 几年前,我哥哥和我关系不好。

get away (from sb/sth) 离开;逃离:The thief got away from the police in a car. 窃贼驾车逃脱了警察。

get back 返回;回家:When did you get back yesterday? 你昨天什么时候回来的?

get 取回,拿回:My wallet was stolen but I got it back from the police. 我的钱包被偷了,但我从警察那儿拿了回来。

get down to sth 开始认真(做…):Let's get down to work. 让我们开始干活吧。

◇Let's get down to business. 让我们开始干正事吧。

get in 进入;(车)到达:The burglar got in through a window. 盗贼是从窗户进来的。

◇The train got in late. 火车晚点到达。

get off

➊ [get off (sth)] 下车:Where do you get off? 你在哪儿下车?

◇get off a bus 下公共汽车

➋ [get sth off] 脱下(衣服等):Why not get the wet shoes off? 为什么不脱下湿鞋子?

get on

➊ [get on (sth)] 上车;骑上(马);登上(飞机):A young boy helped him to get on. 一个小男孩帮助他上了车。

◇get on a bus 上公共汽车

相处融洽 = get along (with sb)

➌ [get sth on] 穿上:Get the jacket on. 穿上夹克衫。

get through

➊ [get through sth] 通过(考试):He studied hard and got through all the exams. 他学习勤奋,通过了所有考试。

➋ [get through (to sb)] 拨通,打通(某人的)电话:I tried to call her, but didn't get through. 我试图打电话给她,但没打通。

get to like/know/understand sb/sth 逐渐开始喜欢/了解/理解:Once you get to know her, you will like her. 你一旦开始了解她后,你就会喜欢她的。

get to sleep 入睡:She finally got to sleep after midnight. 半夜后她终于睡着了。

get together (with sb) 聚会;联欢:He often gets together with his friends. 他常常与朋友聚会。

get up

起床:What time do you often get up? 你通常什么时候起床

起立,起身:The class got up to greet the new teacher. 全班起立迎接新老师。

have got to 不得不,必须 = have to


get; jet; let; met; net; pet; set; wet; yet


Don't get your plan change.

Don't get your plan changed. 不要改变你的计划了。


My violin is wonderful. I've got it since I was 10.

My violin is wonderful. I've had it since I was 10.

[✌have got并非完成时,但和since从句连用的主句要用完成时]


I don't have got a bank account.

I haven't got a bank account. 我没有银行账户。


I didn't get to home until six.

I didn't get home until six. 我直到6点才到家。

[✌get表示“到达”时,后面常接“to +地点”,当后面接here, there, home等副词时,不需要to]

用法“上/下小轿车”用get into/out of the car;“上/下公共汽车/火车/飞机”用get on/off the bus/train/plane。

辨析arrive in/at; get to; reach

辨析become; get; grow; turn

辨析buy; get; purchase

辨析be + v.-ed; get + v.-ed





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