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单词 for

for/fɔːr $ fɔːr/


➊ used to show a particular purpose

➋ intended to be given to (sb) or used by (sb)

➌ used to show a length of time or a distance

➍ in order to help (sb/sth)

➎ used to show a reason or cause

➏ in exchange for (sth), esp. when mentioning a price

➐ used to show where sb/sth is going

➑ in support of (sb/sth)

➒ used to show sb does sth in structures like “it'snecessary for you to do sth”

conj. used to introduce the reason for sth


为了:fight for freedom 为自由而战

◇a machine for mixing chemicals 搅拌化学品的机器

给,针对:It's a movie for children. 这是部儿童电影。

◇I have a present for you. 我送给你一个礼物。

➌ [与一段时间或距离连用]:He has slept for 10 hours. 他已经睡了10个小时了。

◇I've walked for about five miles. 我大约走了5英里了。

帮助,为 :What can I do for you? 我能为您做些什么?

◇Let me carry it for you. 我帮你搬吧。

因为:The city is famous for its ancient temple. 这个城市因其古庙而出名。

与…交换;价格为:I bought the book for 20 yuan. 我买这本书花了20元。

◇The English word for “桌子” is “table”. 与“桌子”对应的英语单词是“table”。

向,往:The train is for Hangzhou. 这辆火车是开往杭州的。

◇He is leaving for China. 他将去中国。

支持:Are you for or against the plan? 你支持还是反对这个计划?

➒ [引出动作的执行者]:[it is ... for sb to do sth] It's necessary for you to take your ID. 你有必要带上身份证。

◇The desk is too heavy for me to move. 桌子太重,我移不动。

conj. 因为,由于:He must be around, for his car is here. 他一定在附近,因为他的车在这儿。


He went to the store for buying some cakes.

He went to the store for some cakes.

He went to the store to buy some cakes.



The day breaks because the birds are singing.

The day breaks for the birds are singing. 天破晓了,鸟儿都在唱歌了。


I have been to Beijing for several times.

I have been to Beijing several times. 我去过北京几次。

用法for the past few years 指一个动词持续一段时间;over/in/during the past few years则指在过去的一段时间里发生了什么。

辨析it's + a. + for sb to do sth; it's + a. + of sb to do sth

辨析after; for

辨析as; because; for; since

巧记 make sb sth = make sth for sb,有相同用法结构的词有:buy, boil, cook, sing。





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