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单词 cut


v. use a knife or scissors to divide sth or remove a piece from sth

n. a wound caused by sth sharp

pt. & pp. cut

ing. -tt-

v. [T; I] 切,剪,削,割:cut one's finger on a piece of glass 玻璃划破手指

◇cut a hole in the pipe 在管子上切一个口

◇[cut sth1 with sth2] Cut the meat with a knife. 用刀切肉。

◇[cut sth1 from sth2] The butcher cut a piece of meat from the leg of the animal. 屠夫从动物的腿上割了一块肉。

◇[cut sth1 into sth2] He cut the cake into 4 pieces. 他把蛋糕切成4块。

have one's hair cut 理发

◇[cut sb sth = cut sth for sb] He cut me a piece of bread. = He cut a piece of bread for me. 他给我切了一块面包。

◇[cut across/along sth] With scissors, cut across the paper. 用剪刀把纸剪开。

n. [C] 伤口:a deep cut on one's hand手上的深伤口

cut 砍倒:The tree was dead so we had to cut it down. 这棵树死了,所以我们不得不把它砍倒。

cut 中断(某人)的电话通话: [常用被动] We were cut off suddenly. 我们在通电话时突然断线了。

cut sb off (from sb/sth) 切断,阻断;使与外界隔绝: [常用被动] They were cut off from the outside world. 他们与外界隔绝。


but; cut; nut; shut


I cut my hair yesterday.

I had my hair cut yesterday. 我昨天剪了头发。


A great number of bamboos are cut each year to make chopsticks.

A great number of bamboos are cut down each year to make chopsticks. 每年都有大量的竹子被砍伐用来做筷子。





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