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单词 come


move to, towards or with the speaker

pt. came/keɪm/

pp. come

v. [I] 来,来到:She came into the house. 她走进了房子。

◇A young boy is coming towards me. 一个小男孩正向我走来。

◇Spring is coming. 春天来了。

◇My daughter is coming home soon. 我的女儿就要回家了。

◇[come to sth] Can you come to our party? 你能够来我们的派对吗?

◇[come with sb] Will you come with me? 你要与我一起走吗?

◇[here comes sb/sth] Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。

◇[come to do sth = come and do sth] I'll come and help you. = I'll come to help you. 我会来帮你的。

◇[come doing sth] The child came running into the room. 这个小孩跑着进了房间。

◇[come for sth] I've come for my camera. 我来取我的相机。

come across sb (偶然)遇见;发现:I came across Jack when I was walking in the street. 我走在街上时碰见了杰克。

come back 回来,返回:When did you come back last night? 你昨晚是什么时候回来的?

come down (雨、雪)落下;(飞机)降落:He stood there, watching the rain coming down. 他站在那儿,看着雨不停地下。

come from sth 来自,出生于:[不用于进行时] I come from China. 我来自中国。

◇He comes from a poor family. 他出身贫穷。

come in 进来:Come in please and shut the door. 请进,并把门关上。

come on [用于祈使句] 来吧;赶快;加把劲,加油:Come on! Let's go. 快点!我们走吧。

come out

(太阳、星星等)出来,出现:The sun came out after the rain. 下雨之后,太阳出来了。

出版,发表:His latest book came out last month. 他的新书上个月出版了。

come to sth

总计,合计:The bill came to 50 yuan. 账单金额总计50元。

达到(某种状况)come to a stop 停下

◇The work has finally come to an end. 工作终于结束了。

come to a conclusion 作出结论

come true 变为现实,实现:His dream has come true. 他的梦想已经成真。

come up (to sb) 走向前(到…):He came up to me and introduced himself. 他走到我面前作了自我介绍。

come up with sth (针对问题等)提出;想出:He finally came up with a way to deal with the problem. 他最终想出了处理这个问题的方法。








She has come here for two days.

She came here two days ago. 她两天前来这儿的。

She has been here for two days.

It is two days since she came here. 她来这儿有两天了。



The police watched him come out from the house.

The police watched him come out of the house. 警察看见他从房子里出来。

[✌out of sth为固定搭配]


Here comes he.

Here he comes. 他来了。

[✌here comes sb/sth句型中,如果sb/sth是人称代词,要放在come的前面]


My classmate Kate wanted to come back home.

My classmate Kate wanted to go back home. 我的同学凯特想回家。

[✌come和go所指的方向不同,最能表示它们含义区别的搭配是:come here和go there]

用法邀请某人一同去某地一般说:Will you come with me? 少用go,但要译为:你我一起走/去吗?

用法注意下面两句的意思:He comes from France. 他来自法国(即:他生于法国)。

◇He is coming from France. 他将从法国来。

用法在某些短语中come表示become的意思。如:The cover came loose. 封面松脱了。

◇come true 成为现实

谚语Easy come, easy go. 来得容易去得快。





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