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单词 charge

charge/tʃɑːʤ $ tʃɑːrʤ/


➊ ask sb for an amount of money for sth that is sold

➋ put electricity into an device such as a battery

➌ formally accuse sb of a crime

n. the amount of money that you have to pay for sth


➊ [I; T] 收费;索价:[charge (sb) for sth] The museum won't charge (students) for admission. 这个博物馆不收(学生的)入场费。

◇[charge (sb) $5/10 for sth] They charged me $5 for the wine. 他们收了我5美元酒钱。

How much/What do you charge for a haircut? 剪发你收多少钱?

◇charge 10 yuan for lunch 午餐收费10元

➋ [T] 给…充电:charge the battery 给电池充电

◇The battery is charging. 电池正在充电。

➌ [T] 控告,指控;指责:[charge sb with sth] He was charged with murder/theft. 他被控谋杀/盗窃。

n. [C; U] 费用;价钱:[charge for sth] There's a small charge for repair. 要收小额修理费。

◇[charge of sth] a charge of $3 3美元的费用

◇My radio was repaired free of charge. 我的收音机是免费修理的。

in charge (of sth) 主管,管理,负责:Who's in charge here? 这儿谁负责?

◇She is in charge of hiring new employees. 她主管招收新员工。

音组-arge/-ɑːʤ $ -ɑːrʤ/

charge; enlarge; large

辨析charge; cost; expense; fare; fee; price

Guilty as charged.





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